Strangely sometimes everything looks brighter although someone or something has turned off the light.
And... happiness happens... for a small tiny second you accept the darkness, and it frightens no more, but instead, before the flood of thoughts, nothing worries you...
Subjects such as politics or economics are more and more like going to the dentist before pulling a tooth. I sometimes ask myself how people who are so clever can get caught up in this made up society that we live in. The expectations of themselves are forever tiring, willing to work themselves to death for insignificant items or luxuries, not embracing the light we are given and the air as a gift but taking it as if it's theirs and a given right... it is... if you enjoy and acknowledge it, if you are grateful and really living YOUR life instead of the life this shitty democracy expects you to play the part you're supposed to.
And then life happens, shit gets sent across the living room and glasses are broken and long forgotten memories revived of times when corruption was not as knitted in power places and idealism was not only an honor but a virtue. Where socialists, communists and democrats would speak their minds without considering a job for the son in law of the cousin or trading favors for a higher rank on a private company whenever needed. Where values existed by free thought, where there were concessions made because all people knew that like Bruce Lee once said you should choose what's best for you using all techniques. Therefore, according to the variables, culture, place, people... many different solutions could be found for many different people.
So, as you slowly talk your way into a dialogue with someone older important to you about these things where so many raging opinions come to mind about injustices and errors that other people pay the price for, remember, they too have their eyes open, they just chose to look away all these years... this is something they have accepted... this is my glimpse of life...
But I'm no fucking sheep! Fuck all those expectations and notions of wealth... without love, without growing a tree and harvesting it, without digging for clams in the riverside or catching fish in a pond... who are you? Fricking little ants who pretend to work and talk their way into nothing but indulgence and refined tastes that 95% of the population can't afford...?
Yeah... that's the glimpse of life I'd rather not have...
If I ever have anything... I'll sell it all and the IRS can come look for me... somewhere...
terça-feira, 5 de novembro de 2019
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