quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2020

Devagar a cortina sobe...
O palco ainda com restos da última cena...
Está tudo menos pronto para a próxima.
Mas o tempo não pára,
Os ritmos dos corações estão acelerados...
O som dos passos amontoa-se cada vez mais perto,
Enquanto fecho os olhos e me tento concentrar.
Enquanto o teu rosto é projectado em mim,
E todas as tuas imperfeições se tornam em beleza...
As poses que treinámos para esta subida de pano,
Ficam em nós com os pés nos sítios marcados...
A respiração ofegante quase que chama por ti.
O teu olhar naquele instante e o esgar desse lábio matreiro,
Fazem-me sorrir por dentro...
Tu chegarias para me fazer feliz penso!
E sei que se o mundo acabasse amanhã,
Serias tu que queria para me agarrar a mão...
Mas o amor é como tudo o resto na vida,
Quando pensas que o apanhaste ou que ficaste com um para a vida,
Descobres que nada é eterno...
Que até essa sensação que te faz sentir poderoso,
Compreendido e amado...
Pode acabar com a mesma facilidade que chover em Abril...

terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2020

When the night comes in,
Bringing your quietness and harmony...
I find myself in peace,
Holding you in my arms.
Stroking your hair with my fingers,
As if I'm pushing the clouds away,
In order to stare at my sun, my light...
Everything else is pushed back when you smile,
Time bows to such energy and might...
And happiness is part of me when I'm with you.
The distance doesn't diminish the image,
It burned bright in my mind and will be kept there for a while.
The image is one of us together in a distant future...
Walking on the sand following smaller footprints,
With occasional runs and splashes of water...
But like magnets almost pulled into each other after being apart...
With such strength and might that not even God could pull them apart.

The depth of your stare,
The scars on your skin...
The taste of your lips,
The smell of your hair,
The touch that makes me shake,
The kiss that makes me shiver...
Waking up to watch you,
Is like contemplating the moon...
Even knowing the star map,
There's always something new in that beautiful face of yours...
A new freckle... the perfect imperfection that makes you... you!
Makes me fall in love with you all over again..
Every day!

These like minded spirits create a reaction in people around them,
Where the pull of the good energy is far greater than any other.
So people have a natural tendency to cluster up to them,
To ride that amazing energy and to take as much lessons as possible,
For this might be the road to happiness,
To personal discovery and enlightenment...

domingo, 5 de julho de 2020

Marshall LAW :-D

There's so much to say...
From the time you were here.
I wish you could stay,
Could I be more honest and sincere?
Now you hike in beautiful hills,
And the skies are reflected in your eyes...
Wish I had kiss you to know how it feels,
Your tender lips are romance is disguise.
There's no doubt in my heart...
I knew you had lit this fire,
Even though now that we are apart...
I am now balancing in this wire...
This hole that was left in my chest,
Could it have been a bit smaller?
With these butterflies and the lack of rest,
I just feel I need to go and get her!!!

I feel the ropes of the ship tightening as the wind picks up... The boards crank and moan as if they had something to say, As the silence ar...